
I've Got a Little Moleskin Notebook

I had this small notebook that, when I remembered to pocket it, I would write in if some thought or fancy passed into my full consciousness (read: It made it through all of the other thoughts swirling about.) and I wanted to be sure I remembered it at a later time. It drives me crazy sometimes when I remember having this great idea that was either really funny, to me mostly, or seemed incredibly intelligent, only to me. I had forgotten to put this notebook in my pocket so often that the day finally came that I thought I should just keep it in my back pocket at all times.

Then came the problem with what to write with. It's hard to carry a pen or pencil around when you don't have a bag to carry it in. They inevitably break or stab me when I have one in my pocket. Due to not being able to write anything in this notebook I forgot it was in my back pocket and ended up throwing it into the wash with my laundry. It had a large percentage of the pages when it went in, and when it came out I could only find the spiraled wire and millions of pieces of cardboard and paper that appeared to be embedded into the very fabric of my wardrobe.

So, to avoid forgetting a notebook again, I purchased a slightly more expensive moleskin notebook. I've even found a way to attach a pen to it by sliding the clip in the small gap that exists in the spine. No I've got no excuse to allow those thoughts to escape me. Unless I'm driving. It's impossible to write and drive at the same time without incurring the wrath of dozens of already angered motorists.

Long story short, I've got ideas brewing for posts. I just haven't taken the time to commit them to prose form. I'm not even sure that's a proper way to describe this. Perhaps "blog form" would suffice, but that seems to simplistic. "Rant form" is probably the most fitting term. Or "bullshit."

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