
Taking a Moment

Classes are keeping me busy, so whatever I had said as far as a schedule for posting my thoughts is shot to shit. I'll do it whenever I get the chance, because I know you're all looking forward to them so damn much!
Right now though, I'm taking a moment to remember Johnny Carson. He was one of those people that I would have liked to have met. Just shake his hand or get the chance to talk to him for a few minutes. There aren't many people that I say that about in the world. There aren't even that many that are dead, although that number just sadly rose by one. That's all I can say without saying the exact same thing that every news media has said thousands of times already.

Since I've taken some time out to write...

Today's Thoughts:
When I'm older and I'm required to endure an awkward and uncomfortable prostate exam I never want to hear the words, "Look, no hands!"

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